- Leg man
- амер. Мальчик на побегушках. Курьер. Мужчина, обращающий при знакомстве с женщиной внимание на её ноги
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
leg-man — legˈ man or legˈ woman noun 1. A person whose work involves journeys outside the office 2. An assistant who runs errands or gathers information 3. A newspaper reporter • • • Main Entry: ↑leg … Useful english dictionary
leg|man — «LEHG MAN», noun, plural men. 1. a newspaper reporter who gathers information by going to the scene of the news: »Where editors once sent legmen out chasing ambulances…some of them are sending their best men out to dig up the background to the… … Useful english dictionary
leg man — {n.}, {informal} 1. An errand boy; one who performs messenger services, or the like. * /Joe hired a leg man for the office./ 2. {slang}, {semi vulgar}, {avoidable} A man who is particularly attracted to good looking female legs and pays less… … Dictionary of American idioms
leg man — {n.}, {informal} 1. An errand boy; one who performs messenger services, or the like. * /Joe hired a leg man for the office./ 2. {slang}, {semi vulgar}, {avoidable} A man who is particularly attracted to good looking female legs and pays less… … Dictionary of American idioms
leg\ man — noun informal 1. An errand boy; one who performs messenger services, or the like. Joe hired a leg man for the office. 2. slang semi vulgar avoidable A man who is particularly attracted to good looking female legs and pays less attention to other… … Словарь американских идиом
leg man — /ˈlɛg mæn/ (say leg man) noun Colloquial 1. someone who runs errands, especially for a business office. 2. any form of go between. 3. a man for whom the main attraction in a woman is her legs. 4. US a journalist who goes to the scene of an… …
leg man — someone who performs messenger services, an errand boy He was working as a leg man for the motion picture company … Idioms and examples
leg man — Synonyms and related words: city editor, columnist, copy chief, copy editor, copyman, copyreader, correspondent, cub reporter, diaskeuast, editor, editorial writer, feature editor, foreign correspondent, gazetteer, interviewer, journalist, leader … Moby Thesaurus
Leg man — male who is sexually aroused by legs … Dictionary of Australian slang
leg man — Australian Slang male who is sexually aroused by legs … English dialects glossary
leg-woman — legˈ man or legˈ woman noun 1. A person whose work involves journeys outside the office 2. An assistant who runs errands or gathers information 3. A newspaper reporter • • • Main Entry: ↑leg leg woman see ↑leg man above. • • • … Useful english dictionary